PS. change LESS_THAN to < in the above post.
I had to change it because the code kept getting screwing up as it thought the <and> meant some special part
PS. change LESS_THAN to < in the above post.
I had to change it because the code kept getting screwing up as it thought the <and> meant some special part
Syntax Error Software page
Online Chess
If it isn't obvious, the top left of the sprite is at (x - w / 2),(y - h / 2), so this means the center of the sprite is at x,y
Syntax Error Software page
Online Chess
Here is some actual working code.
Again, replace "LESS_THAN" with the less than character.
This now includes moving left and right as well.
{................................................. .............................}
cMapWidth = 20;
cMapHeight = 20;
cTileWidth = 20;
cTileHeight = 16;
{................................................. .............................}
{................................................. .............................}
TTile = Record
id : Integer;
IsSolid : Boolean;
{................................................. .............................}
{................................................. .............................}
TPoint = Record
x,y : Integer;
{................................................. .............................}
{................................................. .............................}
TPlayer = Class
x : Single;
y : Single;
vx : Single;
vy : Single;
w : Integer;
h : Integer;
CnrUL : TPoint; // upper left tile (x,y) player is over
CnrUR : TPoint; // upper right tile (x,y) player is over
CnrLL : TPoint; // lower left tile (x,y) player is over
CnrLR : TPoint; // lower right tile (x,y) player is over
Procedure GetCornersAt(Const ax,ay : Single);
Procedure Update(Const ATimeSlice : Single);
{................................................. .............................}
Tiles : Array[0..cMapHeight - 1,0..cMapWidth - 1] Of TTile;
{................................................. .............................}
{................................................. .............................}
Function Floor(X : Extended) : Integer;
Result := Integer(Trunc(X));
If Frac(X) LESS_THAN 0 Then Dec(Result);
{................................................. .............................}
{................................................. .............................}
Function TileIsWalkable(Const tx,ty : Integer) : Boolean;
Result := False;
If tx LESS_THAN 0 Then Exit;
If ty LESS_THAN 0 Then Exit;
If tx >= cMapWidth Then Exit;
If ty >= cMapHeight Then Exit;
Result := Not Tiles[ty,tx].IsSolid;
{................................................. .............................}
{................................................. .............................}
Function ClampValue(Const n,l,u : Integer) : Integer;
Result := n;
If Result LESS_THAN l Then Result := l
If Result > u Then Result := u;
{................................................. .............................}
{................................................. .............................}
Procedure TPLayer.GetCornersAt(Const ax,ay : Single);
-,- | +,-
-,+ | +,+
CnrUL.x := Floor((ax - w/2) / cTileWidth);
CnrUL.y := Floor((ay - h/2) / cTileHeight);
CnrUR.x := Floor((ax + w/2) / cTileWidth);
CnrUR.y := Floor((ay - h/2) / cTileHeight);
CnrLR.x := Floor((ax + w/2) / cTileWidth);
CnrLR.y := Floor((ay + h/2) / cTileHeight);
CnrLL.x := Floor((ax - w/2) / cTileWidth);
CnrLL.y := Floor((ay + h/2) / cTileHeight);
CnrUL.x := ClampValue(CnrUL.x,0,cMapWidth - 1);
CnrUR.x := ClampValue(CnrUR.x,0,cMapWidth - 1);
CnrLR.x := ClampValue(CnrLR.x,0,cMapWidth - 1);
CnrLL.x := ClampValue(CnrLL.x,0,cMapWidth - 1);
CnrUL.y := ClampValue(CnrUL.y,0,cMapHeight - 1);
CnrUR.y := ClampValue(CnrUR.y,0,cMapHeight - 1);
CnrLR.y := ClampValue(CnrLR.y,0,cMapHeight - 1);
CnrLL.y := ClampValue(CnrLL.y,0,cMapHeight - 1);
{................................................. .............................}
{................................................. .............................}
Procedure TPlayer.Update(Const ATimeSlice : Single);
TileIsWalkableUL : Boolean; // upper left player corner tile is walkable
TileIsWalkableUR : Boolean; // upper right player corner tile is walkable
TileIsWalkableLL : Boolean; // lower left player corner tile is walkable
TileIsWalkableLR : Boolean; // lower right player corner tile is walkable
GetCornersAt(x,y + vy * ATimeSlice);
If vy LESS_THAN 0 Then
//moving up
TileIsWalkableUL := TileIsWalkable(CnrUL.x,CnrUL.y);
TileIsWalkableUR := TileIsWalkable(CnrUR.x,CnrUR.y);
If TileIsWalkableUL And TileIsWalkableUR Then
y := y + vy * ATimeSlice
// move player to touch tiles(s) above
y := CnrUL.y * cTileHeight + cTileHeight + h/2 + 0.01;
If vy > 0 Then
//moving down
TileIsWalkableLL := TileIsWalkable(CnrLL.x,CnrLL.y);
TileIsWalkableLR := TileIsWalkable(CnrLR.x,CnrLR.y);
If TileIsWalkableLL And TileIsWalkableLR Then
y := y + vy * ATimeSlice
// move player to sit on tile(s) below
y := CnrLR.y * cTileHeight - h/2 - 0.01;
GetCornersAt(x + vx * ATimeSlice,y);
If vx LESS_THAN 0 Then
//moving left
TileIsWalkableUL := TileIsWalkable(CnrUL.x,CnrUL.y);
TileIsWalkableLL := TileIsWalkable(CnrLL.x,CnrLL.y);
If TileIsWalkableUL And TileIsWalkableLL Then
x := x + vx * ATimeSlice
// move player to touch tiles(s) on left
x := CnrUL.x * cTileWidth + cTileWidth + w/2 + 0.01;
If vx > 0 Then
//moving right
TileIsWalkableUR := TileIsWalkable(CnrUR.x,CnrUR.y);
TileIsWalkableLR := TileIsWalkable(CnrLR.x,CnrLR.y);
If TileIsWalkableUR And TileIsWalkableLR Then
x := x + vx * ATimeSlice
// move player to touch tile(s) on right
x := CnrUR.x * cTileWidth - w/2 - 0.01;
// add gravity to vy here and cap to max velocity so not faster than tile height;
This is how I am using it:
[pascal] FPlayer := TPlayer.Create;
FPlayer.w := cTileWidth - 5;
FPlayer.h := cTileHeight - 5;
FPlayer.x := cMapWidth * cTileWidth / 2;
FPlayer.y := cMapHeight * cTileHeight / 2;
FPlayer.vx := 0;
FPlayer.vy := 0;
FPlayer.vx := 0;
FPlayer.vy := 0;
If FMoveUp Then
FPlayer.vy := -cPlayerSpeed
If FMoveDown Then
FPlayer.vy := +cPlayerSpeed;
If FMoveLeft Then
FPlayer.vx := -cPlayerSpeed
If FMoveRight Then
FPlayer.vx := +cPlayerSpeed;
where TimeSlice is the time for the last frame in seconds (floating point)
Syntax Error Software page
Online Chess
I'm still trying to figure out what you did here, as I'm not really used to using classes and such.
But I'll figure it out.![]()
Still stuck with this.
I just can't follow your code, as I don't understand some parts of it (for example, how can variable Result have an integer value in Floor Function, while it's a boolean in TileIsWalkable function. And from what I see here, Result is a global var... :?
If it's possible, could you write just pseudo code? Or just explain without the code exactly what you did. I just need a procedure for checking if player is standing on a solid tile (and if a tile left or right from him is walkable).
I have solved gravity, acceleration, movement (left, right etc...) and that kind of stuff.
Thanks for your help!![]()
are you a c++ coder? :shock:Originally Posted by Ixy
Result is not a global variable, inside a function it works like return
return 1; is the same as Result := 1, only difference is delphi does not ret on a result, where as c/c++ does.
to be more precise, Result is a local variable (as the function return type), that is returned at the end of the function, or at an exit.
No, I'm not a c coder, but I never came across something like that.
I'm still in high school, and they don't teach us anything but basic programming.![]()
hi folks!
after reading that post i fell like i should start making a platformer![]()
well, i also got stuck after reading tonypa's tutorial while implementing the corners stuff. well, half stuck, my player still could move to the leftops:
what i want to say is thanks paul nicholls, i implemented your code into mine and it's working fine! now i just have to find out why and clean up the mess i leftso thanks a lot!
different to paul, i have two classes tsimpleplayer and tsimplemap which are both controlled by a class named tsimplegame, where i do all this collision stuff.
i think i'll post the source, just to copy and paste![]()
unit '__pf_simpleplayer'
Code:unit __pf_simpleplayer; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DJXTimer, DJX, ExtCtrls, djxclasses, d3dx9, StdCtrls, DJXFonts, ComCtrls, djxlandscape, djxtextures, Direct3D9, djxrender, djxmeshes, DJXMaterials, DJXLights, __dxtexturemanager; type tpf_simpleplayer= class public constructor create; procedure render; private fdjx: tdanjetx; ftm: tdxtexturemanager; fnameintl: string; fstretch_x, fstretch_y: single; fx, fy: integer; fpos_x, fpos_y: single; fwidth, fheight: integer; procedure setdjx(const value: tdanjetx); procedure setnameintl(const value: string); procedure settm(const value: tdxtexturemanager); procedure setstretch_x(const value: single); procedure setstretch_y(const value: single); procedure setx(const value: integer); procedure sety(const value: integer); procedure setpos_x(const value: single); procedure setpos_y(const value: single); published property djx: tdanjetx read fdjx write setdjx; property texturemanager: tdxtexturemanager read ftm write settm; property nameintl: string read fnameintl write setnameintl; property stretch_x: single read fstretch_x write setstretch_x; property stretch_y: single read fstretch_y write setstretch_y; property x: integer read fx write setx; property y: integer read fy write sety; property width: integer read fwidth; property height: integer read fheight; property pos_x: single read fpos_x write setpos_x; property pos_y: single read fpos_y write setpos_y; end; implementation { tpf_simpleplayer } constructor tpf_simpleplayer.create; begin fdjx:= nil; ftm:= nil; fwidth:= 32; fheight:= 64; fstretch_x:= 1; fstretch_y:= 1; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.render; begin if fdjx= nil then exit; if ftm= nil then exit; if ftm.djxtl.Find(fnameintl)<> nil then begin //player stretchen { ftm.djxtl.Find(fnameintl).Draw4col( (fx* ftile_width)* fstretch_x, (fy* ftile_height)* fstretch_y, (fx* ftile_width)* fstretch_x+ ftile_width* fstretch_x, (fy* ftile_height)* fstretch_y, (fx* ftile_width)* fstretch_x+ ftile_width* fstretch_x, (fy* ftile_height)* fstretch_y+ ftile_height* fstretch_y, (fx* ftile_width)* fstretch_x, (fy* ftile_height)* fstretch_y+ ftile_height* fstretch_y, djxcolor(clwhIte), djxcolor(clwhIte), djxcolor(clwhIte), djxcolor(clwhIte) ); } ftm.djxtl.Find(fnameintl).Draw4col( (fpos_x- fwidth/ 2)* fstretch_x, (fpos_y- fheight/ 2)* fstretch_y, (fpos_x+ fwidth/ 2)* fstretch_x, (fpos_y- fheight/ 2)* fstretch_y, (fpos_x+ fwidth/ 2)* fstretch_x, (fpos_y+ fheight/ 2)* fstretch_y, (fpos_x- fwidth/ 2)* fstretch_x, (fpos_y+ fheight/ 2)* fstretch_y, djxcolor(clwhIte), djxcolor(clwhIte), djxcolor(clwhIte), djxcolor(clwhIte) ); //kreuz auf fpos fdjx.Primitives2D.Line(fpos_x- 5, fpos_y- 5, fpos_x+ 5, fpos_y+ 5, djxcolor(clwhite)); fdjx.Primitives2D.Line(fpos_x+ 5, fpos_y- 5, fpos_x- 5, fpos_y+ 5, djxcolor(clwhite)); end; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.setdjx(const value: tdanjetx); begin fdjx:= value; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.setnameintl(const value: string); begin fnameintl:= value; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.setpos_x(const value: single); begin fpos_x:= value; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.setpos_y(const value: single); begin fpos_y:= value; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.setstretch_x(const value: single); begin fstretch_x:= value; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.setstretch_y(const value: single); begin fstretch_y:= value; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.settm(const value: tdxtexturemanager); begin ftm:= value; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.setx(const value: integer); begin fx:= value; end; procedure tpf_simpleplayer.sety(const value: integer); begin fy:= value; end; end.
unit '__pf_simplemap'
Code:unit __pf_simplemap; // //platformer threat // //tile based games tutorial // //gravity interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DJXTimer, DJX, ExtCtrls, djxclasses, d3dx9, StdCtrls, DJXFonts, ComCtrls, djxlandscape, djxtextures, Direct3D9, djxrender, djxmeshes, DJXMaterials, DJXLights, __dxtexturemanager; type trectile= record idx: integer; walkable: boolean; end; type tarrrectile= array of array of trectile; type tpf_simplemap= class public constructor create; procedure render; procedure loadfromtextfile(filename: string); private fdjx: tdanjetx; ftm: tdxtexturemanager; fnameintl: string; fpattern: tarrrectile; ftile_width, ftile_height: integer; fstretch_x, fstretch_y: single; fwidth, fheight: integer; procedure setdjx(const value: tdanjetx); procedure settm(const value: tdxtexturemanager); procedure setnameintl(const value: string); procedure setstretch_x(const value: single); procedure setstretch_y(const value: single); procedure pattern_fill; published property djx: tdanjetx read fdjx write setdjx; property texturemanager: tdxtexturemanager read ftm write settm; property nameintl: string read fnameintl write setnameintl; property stretch_x: single read fstretch_x write setstretch_x; property stretch_y: single read fstretch_y write setstretch_y; property tile_width: integer read ftile_width; property tile_height: integer read ftile_height; property pattern: tarrrectile read fpattern; property width: integer read fwidth; property height: integer read fheight; end; implementation { tpf_simplemap } constructor tpf_simplemap.create; begin fdjx:= nil; ftm:= nil; ftile_width:= 32; ftile_height:= 32; fstretch_x:= 1; fstretch_y:= 1; fwidth:= 0; fheight:= 0; //pattern_fill; end; procedure tpf_simplemap.loadfromtextfile(filename: string); var sl_file: tstringlist; s_zeile: string; x, y, i, j, h, hi: integer; begin //pattern aus einer einfachen textdatei laden setlength(fpattern, 0); if fileexists(filename) then begin sl_file:= tstringlist.create; sl_file.LoadFromFile(filename); if sl_file.Count> 0 then begin for i:= 0 to sl_file.count- 1 do begin s_zeile:= trim(sl_file[i]); if s_zeile= '' then continue; setlength(fpattern, length(fpattern)+ 1); h:= high(fpattern); setlength(fpattern[h], 0); for j:= 1 to length(s_zeile) do begin setlength(fpattern[h], length(fpattern[h])+ 1); hi:= high(fpattern[h]); if s_zeile[j]= '1' then begin fpattern[h, hi].idx:= 1; fpattern[h, hi].walkable:= false; end else begin fpattern[h, hi].idx:= 0; fpattern[h, hi].walkable:= true; end; end; end; end;; end; fheight:= length(fpattern); fwidth:= length(fpattern[0]); end; procedure tpf_simplemap.pattern_fill; var x, y: integer; begin //pattern zuf?§llig bef?ºllen setlength(fpattern, 20); for x:= low(fpattern) to high(fpattern) do begin setlength(fpattern[x], 15); for y:= low(fpattern[x]) to high(fpattern[x]) do begin fpattern[x, y].idx:= 0; fpattern[x, y].walkable:= true; randomize; if random(100)> 90 then begin fpattern[x, y].idx:= 1; fpattern[x, y].walkable:= false; end; end; end; end; procedure tpf_simplemap.render; var x, y: integer; begin if fdjx= nil then exit; if ftm= nil then exit; for y:= low(fpattern) to high(fpattern) do begin for x:= low(fpattern[y]) to high(fpattern[y]) do begin if fpattern[y, x].idx= 1 then begin if ftm.djxtl.Find(fnameintl)<> nil then begin //tiles stretchen ftm.djxtl.Find(fnameintl).Draw4col( (x* ftile_width)* fstretch_x, (y* ftile_height)* fstretch_y, (x* ftile_width)* fstretch_x+ ftile_width* fstretch_x, (y* ftile_height)* fstretch_y, (x* ftile_width)* fstretch_x+ ftile_width* fstretch_x, (y* ftile_height)* fstretch_y+ ftile_height* fstretch_y, (x* ftile_width)* fstretch_x, (y* ftile_height)* fstretch_y+ ftile_height* fstretch_y, djxcolor(clwhIte), djxcolor(clwhIte), djxcolor(clwhIte), djxcolor(clwhIte) ); end; end; end; end; end; procedure tpf_simplemap.setdjx(const value: tdanjetx); begin fdjx:= value; end; procedure tpf_simplemap.setnameintl(const value: string); begin fnameintl:= value; end; procedure tpf_simplemap.setstretch_x(const value: single); begin fstretch_x:= value; end; procedure tpf_simplemap.setstretch_y(const value: single); begin fstretch_y:= value; end; procedure tpf_simplemap.settm(const value: tdxtexturemanager); begin ftm:= value; end; end.